Peer-Review Process
The journal follows a double-blind anonymous peer-review process, ensuring fairness, impartiality, and high scientific standards. Each submitted manuscript undergoes the following stages:
- Initial Screening: The editorial team evaluates the manuscript for suitability, originality, and adherence to submission guidelines.
- Assignment to Reviewers: Each manuscript is assigned to two or three independent reviewers with expertise in the subject matter.
- Anonymous Review: Reviewers assess the manuscript based on methodological rigor, relevance, clarity, and novelty, without knowledge of the authors' identities.
- Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommend acceptance, minor/major revisions, or rejection.
- Editorial Decision: Based on reviewer comments, the editor-in-chief makes the final publication decision.
The journal adheres to international ethical standards in peer review and upholds confidentiality throughout the process.